Sunday, June 26, 2011

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  • Suva
    07-18 02:17 PM
    He is absolutely correct. 485 Processing would start depending on RD (Receipt Date). But at the time of approval PD should be current and if it is current then the applicant whose RD (Receipt Date) is oldest would get the approval first.

    receipt date if your PD is current.

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  • GCBy3000
    07-18 05:00 PM
    Think about the guys who are stuck with PBEC / DBEC. These are very unfortunate guys / gals who are going to get screwed further due to this receipt date processing for 485. Everything is caused by July VB fiasco.

    This would suck for older priority dates.

    My priority date is March, 2002!! Application was delivered to Nebraska on June 15th but the Receipt date is in mid-July.
    So all those filers with priority dates after me (did not come across any with PD older than mine) that got their receipt notices before me would jump ahead in line!! Who knows how many years more...

    Hopefully they will change their procedure after this fiasco to go by Priority Dates first and then the receipt dates.


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  • rsdang
    04-30 10:41 AM
    some movement - hope it results in progress... Keeping the fingers crossed...

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  • yabadaba
    07-11 08:06 AM
    I assume you like the new cutoff-dates ????

    Rita ;)
    love it....but thats only 1/2 of the battle...the other half is making sure uscis adjudicates my petition in the month of aug


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  • raydon
    08-05 07:28 PM
    Much as I'd like to participate in this campaign, it's the employer's signature that I can't guarantee. My employer is a big and prestigious (supposedly) company and will not want to sign this petition or do anything against the counsel of the attorney. The attorney is not gaining anything by expedited processing of the I-140 and won't support this either. He's an AILA member too, if that's of any significance.
    If this is worthless without the employer's signature, then I'm unable to participate in this campaign, though it is a worthy effort.I would urge all members who can get the employer's consent to definitely participate and wake up the USCIS from it's slumber.They need a big kick up their you-know-where, especially the TSC.

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  • gcpath
    01-03 10:59 AM
    Filed AP on Aug-8-2007. Today received email from CRIS saying that Documents have been mailed. Hope you all will get soon.


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  • Libra
    09-11 11:30 AM
    OMG, thank you so much coopheal. :cool:

    IV rocks�.. Just made contribution of 500$
    Cannot come to rally because of personal reasons. Feeling terrible about that�.

    Order Details - Sep 11, 2007 10:46 AM CDT
    Google Order #636002683618849

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  • Imigrait
    06-11 05:27 PM
    It is not a big deal dude...if not for this immigration system, we could be making even more..think about $80-$100/hr if you are an independent contractor. This a minimum for a decent contract with vendor directly.
    And if you have ~100-200K for investments, with some experience and any could be making another 100K out of it from trading and active investing in other areas. That comes to ~250-300K minimum. There are no bounds when life is free and in this great country. Unfortunately, things have turned discriminative and our potentials are being restricted(atleast for non-EAD guys) and you have to be prepared for getting outright kicked out of this country.

    Wow..... That's an average of more than 100% return consistently. You should start your own hedge fund or maybe advice Warren Buffett.;)


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  • whitecollarslave
    04-30 02:31 PM
    Can somebody post the link please?

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  • logiclife
    04-26 04:46 PM
    My H1 extension is under process. I had applied in Dec 2006. My DL expires on May 6. Is it possible to renew my license with the H1 extension receipt?. Is it possible to do Premium Processing now?

    Pending H1 transfer/extension petitions can be upgraded to premium processing by sending another form (for upgrade to premium) and the premium fee of $1000.

    Some states accept H1 extension filing receipt notice. Other states dont. Depends on the state regulation and state laws. You should check with your DMV / DPS of New Jersey and ask them before you make decision to upgrade your H1 petition to premium. Maybe they will renew your DL with check before you spend that money.


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  • indio0617
    03-08 12:29 PM
    Beppen, I joined the conference a little late and heard of Sen. Brownback's amendments for extension of J1 visa rule and no cap for nurses/physical therapists in H1. They will reconvene at 2.00 again and present more amendments if there are any

    Hope this helps

    Nothing happens when I click on the capital hearings link.... ? Is it on c-span too.?

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  • billu
    08-24 10:21 PM
    i had put up the previous two posts on this page asking about relief for Schedule A professionals in 2008......time has passed by but nothing has sight of any relief or any schedule A bill........missed the july 2007 fiasco due to employer insisting on 40 day cool off period........have been in US for 6 sign of EB3 india being even close to Oct 2007 (my PD)........employer has refused to file EB2 point other employer ready for EB2........spouse on h4 visa since oct. 2006......have lost all hope and just going through the there light at the end of tunnel???


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  • prinive
    07-06 01:28 PM
    it seems they are planning to honor the July VB and make chanes in Aug VB. So I guess they will accept the applications in July. :rolleyes:

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  • pani_6
    08-19 12:17 AM
    :)From friends and Family


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  • ronhira
    07-06 02:06 AM
    Funds will follow if people see viability. Anywaz nothing is coming out of lobbying efforts so currently how does it even matter ?

    and hence a jesus is born. but let me ask you this - if nothing will come out of lobbying effort, then why is every tom dick and harry spending more and more money on lobbying. if lobbying won't work, what should we do.

    wwbd - what would bawa do?

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  • micofrost
    07-18 06:57 PM
    Does PD exist just to be able to file I-485? Or as some members say, does it also play a role after filing I-485 for adjudication? Does CIS go by PD or RD when the visas are limited?

    Let's say A has PD(Priority date) Dec 2004 and RD(Receipt Date) Jul 25 2007, and B has PD Mar 2007 and RD Jul 2 2007. Who would be adjudicated first?
    If visa numbers are current for both of them, then its a matter of luck, whose application gets processed quickly and which guy's application reaches to the approval officer first. That time both have equal chance.

    Ofcourse PD is considered for VISA numbers, not the RD. RD is good for portability issues like AC21/180 days rule. So B can switch jobs 23 days before A. Again that (180 days rule)also as per some lawyers isnt a hard n fast rule. Hope it helps.


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  • sanju
    07-24 10:38 AM
    This is so out of whack. Employment based green card issue is not about India or Indians. Our issue is about America and us i.e. highly skilled people from all countries waiting for their green cards. STOP BRANDING EMPLOYMENT BASED GREEN CARD AS "INDIA ISSUE". Such an attitude doesn't help at all and it is a big turn-off for people from other countries. Let’s be mature about solutions to the issue.

    Also, people who give money to campaigns - Hillary, Obama or any other candidates, they are not giving the money to change any policy for getting green cards sooner for employment based categories. Our issue is not even on the radar screen of most "ethnic communities". And problem gets worst when news media, people like Lou Dobbs try to misguide the general public with their hate mongering propaganda - again with the objective to increase the value of his own stock. Often times Lou Dobbs will try to make it all look like "conspiracy theory" being hatched against American middle class - just to get their attention. For example Lou says that people from Indian American community are contributing to Hillary to promote outsourcing????? Hello!!!! Who is in the world is idiot enough NOT to believe that increased outsourcing affects everybody in US, including Indian-Americans. Sometimes news media will call Hillary as senator from the state of Punjab and other similar bull shit but catchy news items. And it is ok if majority of the middle-class Americans shake their heads in disbelief (because they are ignorant about the facts), as if a massive conspiracy theory is being hatched against the middle class. But people who have any common sense have the responsibility to think rationally and filter "real news" from news intended to increase ratings of a news shows/channels.

    Also, the idiots who give campaign funds do so to buy proximity to power to increase their own profile. People who give money to campaigns are SICK and corrupt. These people are simply taking pictures with the candidate or a politician (not a lawmaker - there is a difference) to increase the value of their own stock. Too often this forum has mentioned the name of Chatwal being close to Clintons. Guys, lets face it, Chatwal is doing excellent marketing for himself. I don't think he is as close as he projects and as most people think he is. The way system works, anybody who is ready to give $1000 for a campaign can get their pictures with the "POLITICIAN", especially during campaign season. And these photo-ops freaks do not care about anybody other than them self. Therefore, the so called "indian lobby" exist only in the imagination of people who read news articles that are written by paid journalists.

    About Cornyn amendment, this was clearly a party line vote. It had nothing to do with the position of a Senator on the issue. Did you notice that Sen. Grassley voted in favor of the SKIL bill? Anybody knows why???? As most people here may already know, Sen. worked overtime to derail the CIR. Because of that, leaders of the Democratic party in the Senate are upset with him on immigration issue. And thus, most democrats voted to oppose Cornyn’s proposal. That is how things work in the Senate – which is no different than the way things work at the any other workplace. Vote on Cornyn amendment had nothing to do with the stand of a Senator on an issue.

    So, it is ok if Conryn amendment did not go through – “this time”. There will be more opportunities in the future. The thing is, Democratic Senators like Cantwell need to lead in pushing EB provisions. That may help to easy out the partisan vote on such proposals in the future.

    Just my take on the situation.

    NY/NJ/CT/MA Members -

    Please write to Sen.HILARY CLINTON expressing your dissatisfaction or concern with regard to failure of Sen.Cornyn Amendment. It's critical that we as Indians get her opinion on this issue. She voted NO on this amendment DESPITE the indian lobby contributing to her campaign. Also its likely that she might become our next president.

    Obviously, Sen.Obama does not care much for Indians!

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  • desi485
    11-17 05:07 PM
    Update: Googling and found the murthy forums thread which I mentioned earlier.

    some ppl (atleast 2 of them) reported successfully renewed EAD, AP while appeal to 485 denial was pending.

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  • dvrao4
    09-15 06:44 PM
    hi! i just contributed $100.00 via paypal transaction id is : 1GE522823P5726434

    08-26 02:49 PM
    I am not sure thats correct.

    Per IRS regulation Section 163 (C), as well as Publication 936, interest paid on primary and secondary residences up to an aggregate one million dollars in loan amount is tax deductible. The IRS regulation does not specify that the home must be located in the United States, and thus it seems logical that interest paid on a home loan on property in India is in fact deductible
    (please consult your tax advisor for applicability to your specific tax situation).

    You can quote any IRS publication/regulation, which is issued bt IRS with the assumption that the Lender issues a 1040 to you and simultaneously notifies the IRS the intrerst earned by the Lender from your Mortgage .

    And the point is how do you show the intrest paid on the Mortgage if the International Lender does not issue a 1040. Any attachment/print out you provide showing the intrest you paid is not suffice as long as the IRS does not know that intrest was not accrued in their File. Since International Banks dont register their intrest earned with IRS.

    All I mean to say is, it is a Closed loop sytem where the Lender registers his intrest earned with IRS and sends a 1040 to you so that you can claim the tax exemption based on your intrest paid

    I am 100% confident that.

    07-20 06:54 PM
    During the failed CIR bill people here were praising Sen. Sessions for supporting legal immigration and I almost shed tears because deep in my heart I know how they hate immigrants both legal and illegal. The only way we can expect relief is a good comprehensive immigration bill but not from ammendments on other bills like the now defense bill.

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