Saturday, June 25, 2011

planet wallpaper

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  • ashutrip
    06-21 09:55 AM
    anybody here who got his labor certified from Atlanta off late
    anybody ....any news of backlog getting cleared

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  • and Planet Wallpapers,

  • amsgc
    06-26 12:55 AM
    In this debate, it is important to consider what "America" really means:

    It is not just tech. companies or the USCIS - it is every big, small and mid-size enterprise, school, hospital, university, firestation, state/federal govt etc. It is the local community in which we live, the neighbors we interact with, the folks at the check out counters, our children's daycare, and ofcourse it is our fellow American co-workers, supervisors and friends.

    In the final cost & benefit analysis, I am just curious to understand how America stands to gain by preventing the free movement of high skilled labor and intellect across the country. How does it benefit by preventing individuals from getting a higher education or a promotion. It is already too late for most of us to give up at this stage of the process, so most of us will wait it out, and eventually get the green card. If it is going to be 5 yrs. from now, then why not now?

    Perhaps the questions should be:

    "What is America gaining by keeping high skilled individuals in this state of perpetual limbo"?


    "What is the cost to America of giving out a Green Card to a high skilled immigrant whose petition to immigrate has been approved by the US govt.?"

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  • black_logs
    03-09 11:29 AM
    So they'll probably take out schedule A workers(Nurses etc.) from EB3 category

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  • wellwisher02
    03-31 10:46 AM
    In this era of IT, USCIS keeps crying about being bombarded suddenly with this application that applications. I wonder such a big agency doesn't have projections etc. When you Adjudicated millions of Green cards lin 2002-2003 than obviously you are going to get bombarded with Application for Citizenship in 2007 you weren't prepared for that ??? This organization is headed by most incompetant people who doesn't have any clue of Management, I guess they should go back to school...

    We're much better off here in the US when you compare our compatriots suffering in Britain. Britain has enforced a lot more regulations on immigrants, much to their chagrin.

    Let's grin and bear it and hope to see the 'green' light at the end of the tunnel.


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  • Widescreen Planet Wallpapers

  • sandiboy
    07-18 04:11 PM
    Assuming the possibility that PD will be "unavailable" for the next few months at least, then on what basis do they allot visa numbers . PD or 485 receipt date

    I believe Visa number is allocated only at time of Adjudicating i.e once everything is clear. At the time of adjudicating your PD should be current & you should be ahead of others per RD.

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  • immi_twinges
    07-20 04:02 PM
    Senator Kennedy gave big speeches on immigration.
    he talks about amnesty to people who stayed illegally for 10 years
    How about staying legally for 10 years...

    The Democrats falsely accused the anti-amnesty forces of "opposing immigration" and "racism." Actually more Democrats voted Nay.

    I though Kennedy was pro immigration...looks like he just cares about illegal immigration..

    Lets ask the so called pro immigration senators who voted naey...why they did it
    Arent they aware of the USCIS wasting so many visas and plight of legal immigrants
    They want to convert illegals to legal...
    Lets ask them to First fix the Legal immigration:mad:


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  • Wallpaper, Planet Wallpaper

  • tinamatthew
    07-23 06:31 PM
    hi fruity..

    we have the same concerns regarding the ds230 approval..

    anyway, i just wanna ask about what you said earlier.. is it true that there are some August scheduled embassy interviews being cancelled? what did those people you know exactly said about this?

    hear from you.. thanx

    It is so sad for those that had the interview in August. How many of your friends were affected?

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  • eb3_nepa
    07-14 01:33 PM
    sent $10.00 instead of $5 to make up for someone that doesn't.:)
    Used Bank Bill Pay Conf : 119124506

    WAY to go hariswaminathan. THAT is the spirit.


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  • Green Planet Wallpaper by

  • sweet23guyin
    07-18 03:23 PM
    Thanks for all your efforts.

    Made a contribution of $100
    Confirmation Number: 1LX38419RG209364L.

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  • planet earth wallpaper.

  • jay
    07-07 12:40 AM
    Can Patton Boggs do better? Haven't we had more legislative success, I mean traction, when we partnered with Quinn Gillespie? Are we receiving sound advice on which of our grievances require legislative action and which ones can be redressed by a mere change in policy on the part of the executive? It looks like most of our current problems were not ushered in by any new law, but rather by a stroke of a pen in a memo by the incompetent and indifferent INS, USCIS, DOL and the State Department. No change in law was needed to make then deny us concurrent filing in Oct 2005 and allow it in July 2007. No change in law was required to deny us visa revalidation. One could argue that no change in law is required to belatedly use unused visas from the previous years. The list goes on. It should be easier to lobby a handful of buffoons in the executive branch with real power than 500+ buffoons on Capitol Hill. Has Patton Boggs served us well?


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  • chanduv23
    05-14 05:01 PM
    Do you mean to say, the employer just sends a letter with a signature and LIN numbers to revoke and USCIS revokes them?

    In that case does USCIS send a confirmation of revocation of all the requested LIN numbers to be revoked? Or it is just a one-sided handshake?

    Yes, I think it is just a letter.

    Just like say, you do not want your Green card - you send a covering letter to USCIS and enclose the green cards. They shred the cards and process the letter update their records.

    You can also send a letter to USCIS to withdraw your 485 - they will be happy to do so.

    My dad had a expired green card (in the 70s) and recently when he went to consulate to get a toursit visa - he presented his expired green card (30+ years old) and they took him aside and completed some paperwork and took the expired green card and said they gonna process the return of expired green card - this is normal paperwork and procedure they follow.

    What baffles me is - they follow all the laws perfectly - but when it comes to beneficiaries, we see all sorts of issues? I really do not think it is a training issue - this could be something else - maybe I am just speculating

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  • Libra
    07-06 12:35 PM
    Yeah because we already sent applications before bulletin revised:D

    Something is cooking and they try to cover their as.... before the legal action takes its stand....:-)), but it is too late for them..


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  • RNGC
    06-24 09:31 PM
    During our wait, I can say that we easily spend $10 - $20 k just for Immigration related fees/lawyer fees/ etc...

    I did a simple math, If I had the green card , during the last 8 years I could have made $25,000 more annually...that is $200,000 for eight years! This money just went to our H1 B employers, who are becoming wealthier!

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  • ashutrip
    06-21 09:55 AM
    anybody here who got his labor certified from Atlanta off late
    anybody ....any news of backlog getting cleared


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  • Planet Wallpaper/Dione

  • jonty_11
    01-21 12:01 PM
    AabTuAgaGC and hopefullegalimmigrant Could you advise what date USCIS received your application for Advance Parole? Thanks

    Guys, I dont see how it matters....every case is treated differently as we all why bother wasting time on such questions... Instead please concentrate on the IV led efforts.. LETTERS CAMPAIGN.....

    Please look at the bigger picture, with this being an election year, plus a recession looming large on our heads, we need to get our act together and push for reform.

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  • 485Mbe4001
    01-26 05:54 PM
    I think there was a call last week at 7:15 which i missed, i checked my emails late.


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  • Blue earth wallpaper

  • lskreddy
    04-30 03:30 PM
    Taking a break at work so decided to listen in. Aytes said something astonishing a little bit ago -- the FIFO was a great idea but under present circumstances it is not...something about very early PD applications may take longer...

    This is an outrageous statement and he deserves to be berated and grilled about it. I hope IV core is paying attention and will bring this to Lofgren's attention.

    I hope a full transcript will be made available. There should be a point by point response to all their BS.

    I agree. This was an outrageous statement.

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  • digital2k
    05-10 11:47 AM
    Those who are waiting, pls call...

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  • rajusk
    09-10 04:42 PM

    I just contributed $100 for the campaign.

    I will be there in DC on the 18th. Still debating whether to ride the bus or do a ride share.

    I live in the NJ area

    Hello friends - Just contributed $100..(Google Order # 265811536249307)
    Appreciate all the help & effort IV is doing for us..!! Thanks a ton.!! Will be there in all our might on Sept. 18th...!!! GOD BLESS IV...!!!

    03-06 01:37 PM
    Sorry to hear about your ordeals. The good news is that EB3- ROW should move forward at a good clip in a few months - some estimates from a lawyer I talked to seem to indicate a jump into early 2006 by the end of this year, so hang in there and remember that it is darkest before dawn.
    If you are keen on a backup, have you considered immigrating to New Zealand? It is a great option if you need a peaceful life and the weather is just like California (unlike Canada) and they have universal health care too. For people who have worked in the US for a few years in recognized fields, NZ is quite easy to immigrate to and very quick. Your English seems to be quite good so I don't see why you should be so disheartened. I guess this advice also applies to Indians who are frustrated with the delays.
    Good luck!

    Thanks for the info buddy. Where to find more information on immigration to NZ? Please guide me on that.

    07-06 01:33 AM
    oh that's easy stuff - I can do that :p sign me up. I love chicken parmesan at olive garden. There is just one problem. What do you want me to do after my lunch and before my evening flight. That's just waste of too much of my time. :rolleyes:

    It is a 3 hour lunch. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

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