Thursday, June 23, 2011

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  • Green.Tech
    05-27 02:49 PM
    No contributions at all!

    Come on folks, contribute!!!

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  • JunRN
    10-03 11:50 PM
    Yes, I am from Philippines.

    Just read Matthew OH's website confirming with a ? the 800,000 figure. If the 800,000 figure is true, then be prepared to renew our EAD more than 2 twice.

    I still have reservations until official figure from USCIS comes out.

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  • skv
    06-18 10:27 AM
    Good Morning guys,

    So we all should be fine to file I-485 up until end of September guys, before the retro kicks off ?

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  • conundrum
    04-30 03:13 PM
    The member from Chicago is mainly concerned about the family based limits. He wants to know what the limit is or if there is a cap in the first place


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  • eastindia
    08-23 08:55 AM
    Why there is nothing for EB Multinational Managers? Even a small project manager gets a priority greencard and people with masters degree and 10 year experience are waiting. Nobody has told to USCIS yet?

    Where is GCperm when you need one?

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    11-14 01:31 PM
    Hi All,

    I am an IV member living in Southern California. I wanted to give a loud 'hello' out to all members in this region. It will be great to know some of the members so that we can interact. Can you please post back a response with what counties you live in? This way we can get some idea about where members are residing.

    Looking forward to your responses.


    Hello to all,

    reporting from LA county - Los angeles


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  • hpandey
    03-04 05:42 PM
    One last question, if you don't mind.

    I assume yours is a conventional loan, how much equity do you have on your home, and how much down payment did you make on your home purchase first time?

    I have a 30 Year fixed loan. I made more than 20% downpayment and since I bought my house only few months back not much change in equity yet.

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  • somegchuh
    01-03 04:16 PM
    It really depends on who you ask. But my point is if you decide to stay in US in the long run, aren't immigrant divided between their kids and their parents?
    I dont think one is necessarily doing kids a dis-service by electing to go back. On the contrary, kids experience tremendous personal growth through interaction with extended family which is not possible in a foreign land.

    In your case I think the decision is very clear cut. Also, it works really well for you, in the sense that you are not "divided". If your parent and siblings have already left the country you have no reason to go back ever.

    yes they are indeed. I took care of this as my sisters and parents have immigrated to New Zealand, work and live happily there and will be covered by a great social security system.

    also, they do not need a visa to visit me after they get their citizenship (in the next year or so) and I will not need one to visit them after I get mine in the next decade or so.......... :-))


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  • newbee7
    07-05 11:48 PM
    Guys...digg this one religously..
    For the first time one article connects our needs to what Americans are interested in; Homeland security.

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  • SkilledWorker4GC
    07-15 10:37 AM
    Money raised in a day = $1014.00

    Lets raise $2000 today.

    Please keep track of $$ raised. It helps motivate ppl. to come forward


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  • gcseeker2002
    08-10 11:05 PM
    I just got mail from lawyer with the Receipt nos for myself & Spouse got online. Receipt notices not yet received.
    Hang on there everyone will get it sooner or later

    I485 Filed: Jul 2nd 7:55 AM (received by R.Williams)
    Revd at : NSC
    Transferred to TSC: No
    ND: Aug 7th
    I-140 approved: Jun 2006 @ TSC
    EB3 PD - May 2002
    As per the tracking no. given by my lawyer, my app also received at 7.55 AM on July 2nd, signed by R.Williams , but my check not cashed yet, no receipts yet, what a mess....

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  • som_yad
    12-26 06:37 PM
    Filed 486 EAD AP on Aug 16
    Received all Receipts in Oct, Received EAD in Nov.
    But no AP yet and also when I check online it shows
    "Case Status Retrieval Failed
    This Receipt Number cannot be found at this time in ..."


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  • guy03062
    03-15 03:15 PM
    Its confusing whether EB measures will remain in Mr. Frist's bill or not, as following statement contradicts to that he will striped out only guest worker provision for illegal aliens:
    Sen. Majority Leader Bill Frist plans to introduce a bill that deals solely with border security as early as today.....

    Let's wait for the bill and hope EB proposals remained...

    If majority leader Bill Frist bypass Judiciary committee and introduce enforcement alone bill, EB proposal will be there? It also reported that this bill have Senater Arnel Specter proposals and striped out guest worker provision for illegal aliens.
    Does this means that Senater Arnel Specter's proposals on Employment base immigration remain in that bill?
    If yes, We don't have to loose anything.

    Please post, if some one have information

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  • Green.Tech
    06-17 03:48 PM
    Wandmaker and Green.Tech - Thankyou for your leadership towards this funding drive

    Thank you santb1975!

    Thank you to all who have contributed...and to those who will contribute in the future!

    Still waiting for 10 generous souls to come forward and help IV realize its first $20k enroute to $50k.

    It's now or now!


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  • yabadaba
    08-27 01:05 PM
    since this last month has been one of the most frustrating in terms of any movement from any standpoint...thought i d write another op ed
    Where is my Ellis Island?

    America is more than a country. It is an idea. It is the idea of freedom, liberty and justice for all. It is the idea that an immigrant with the determination, skills and the ability to work hard can make it. He or she can single handedly change the course of their generations to come.

    I first read Jeffery Archer's Kane and Abel when I was 13. One of the most powerful images that the book conjured up for me was the day young Abel Rosonovski after facing years of hardship and seeing the collapse of the Polish dynasty, manages to get to America. Archer describes is great detail how Abel looks at the Statue of Liberty with tears in his eyes. When he lands on Ellis Island there are two guards who make notations of everybody getting off the boat and following a medical exam he is welcomed into America. Not as a temporary worker, not given an H1B, not given a temporary asylum status, but is welcomed as a full fledged American Citizen into the United States of America.

    Today, things are not the same. I agree that I did not have to endure years of civil war or ethnic strife, but my reason for moving to the US was just like every American's grandfather, great grandfather or great-great grandfather. In essence it was to ensure a better life for me and for my future generations. My great grandchild will someday talk about how her grandfather moved here, put himself through graduate school and tried to build a better life. Her story will be the same as every other American's.

    However, today I saw a letter being circulated by the anti immigration groups asking their congressman to oppose a bill proposed by Rep. John Shadegg of Arizona. This bill provides relief to millions of us who are stuck in limbo because of the worst set of immigration policies for educated immigrants in the civilized world. What makes me rethink my American dream is not that restrictionists like Lou Dobbs are against this bill but because what is being circulated is plain lies.

    They claim that persons on H1B does not pay taxes, bring in millions of family members and produce thousands of “anchor babies.” This is the same set of lies being touted by Tancredo and his creed. Under the H1-B visa we are not exempt from any taxes that are charged by the IRS. In fact most sensible and informed law-makers have agreed that this is almost discriminatory because under a work visa we cannot avail of any benefit that the social security program provides for.

    The other thing that makes me question my decision of being in America is the anchor babies’ statement. This statement reeks of xenophobia. It goes against everything that this country stands for. It is a slap in the face for the drafters of the 14th amendment. If my baby is an anchor baby, then every single American is also an anchor baby. By calling American children of immigrants "anchor babies" these restrictionists have defiled the entire premise of America. In immigrant circles, where people understand the process of immigration, this is seen as the "maccaca" moment for organizations like Numbers USA.

    Its time the restrictionists and the American public decide once and for all what they want from the immigrants. If you do not want us here, provide Tancredo and his creed with the tools to go ahead and build a mile high wall on the southern border, eliminate all temporary visa programs and close down any legal avenues for people to come here.

    If you consider that we provide value, subsidize your taxes by paying into the Social Security program, are an important part of your community and that we help stimulate the economy through taxes and buying power, then provide Rep. John Shadegg with the power to pass the Skill Bill.

    In any case end our misery and let us know what you want. This way we can go about our lives.

    IV member
    published on Dec 20 03143688521

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  • khukubindu
    01-18 06:24 PM

    USCIS online status showed that my Approved AP was mailed on Jan 8, 2008. Looking that I bought ticket for travel on January 29, 2008 but untill today I or my attorney did not get the approval letter yet. I am under very mental pressure whether I will get it by Jan 29 or not. If I have to change my travel plan there will be huge cost involved as I have to change four tickets.

    Do any of gurus have any idea what should I do ? My attorney is not helping me. In my area (Washington) no infopass appointment available before Jan 29. Do you think walk in into the local office will help me even if I dont have any appintment ?


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  • java_jaggu
    06-04 01:15 PM,0604-lee.shtm

    Based on this article, it looks like even those 140's and 485's filed after the cut-off date will be fine as long as the GC is approved before Oct 1, 2008, so folks will have some breathing time and flexibility to plan their next move, if the bill passes in the current form.

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  • gcisadawg
    02-08 02:39 AM
    If the girl is working and earning money, she has all the rights to spend the way she wants, including giving money to her parents. If she is not working, then help should be based only on humanitarian basis because we never know when one's financial situation changes. I can't understand how any girl can force her husband to spend for her parents and siblings especially when she is not earning.

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  • hopefullegalimmigrant
    01-03 01:49 PM
    It sure is taking a long time. Even after the holidays are past nothing seems to be moving for us. Just hope and pray things move soon.

    08-26 12:23 PM
    I know this is not the Forum to discuss this matter.

    But I hope this should answer some questions

    1. Home Loans if the Loan is taken from a US Bank/Mortgage lender
    then it is Tax deductible because they send out a 1040 at the end of Tax year.

    2. But if the Home Loan is taken from a a NON-US Bank, then it is not Tax deductible in the US. As they do not send out a 1040.

    04-30 04:33 PM
    Apume, I have send u a private messgae
    Do I have legal broadcasting rights of uploading this for public viewing?

    Rather, is it legal to do this?

    if not i can send it to your gmail...

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