Monday, June 20, 2011

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  • mirage
    08-04 10:19 AM
    I would request everybody to send out the mails ASAP. This will certainly help....
    Pani, I was not able to upload the word doc. Can you make a word document from this and upload it...


    To, 08/05/2008

    Charles Oppenheim / Visa Section
    U.S. Department of State
    2201 C Street NW
    Washington, DC 20520


    Your Name/Your Address/EB-3 India Applicant
    Priority Date: May 2003
    Some City,

    Dear Sir/Madam,

    Sub: Statistics on Employment Based AOS(Adjustment of Status) applications pending at USCIS under various categories

    I am writing to you to express my sense of helplessness over the unpredictability of Visa Number allotment to various employment based category. I want to bring to your attention that it�s been nearly a �Decade� since we saw any meaningful Visa Date movement from year 2001 for EB-3 Green Card applicants from India.

    It is important to know that despite of severe visa retrogression and random visa cutoff date movements, USICIS or DOS hasn�t released any official information on how many Adjustment of Status applications are pending at USCIS under various categories which leaves thousands of AOS(Adjustment of Status) applicants in complete darkness and dependent on guessing games by various Law firms.

    A green card application requires enormous amount of efforts and money from the beneficiary and his/her employer. People who are waiting for 7-8 years now would have had already spent average $15,000-$20,000, in maintaining their statuses and keep the Green Card process going on. Being stuck in a green card process keeps us bonded with 1 employer, job type etc.
    We need to know if there is any light at the end of the tunnel. We need to know for how long we have to live our life in limbo. If there is hope than we need to be patient and plan to live like that for another 1-2 years. But if there�s no light at the end of the tunnel than we need to move on with our careers and other family commitments. Only your office and USCIS can help us by releasing statistics on the number and categories of applications pending with USCIS people waiting in this category can plan their lives accordingly.

    It will be a great help if DOS or USCIS could tell us about the number of AOS application pending at USCIS along with their Categories(EB-3, EB-2, EB-1) and chargeable country.
    We have been waiting for a decade and continue to wait would it be reasonable to request you for some guidance with regards to the Visa allotment. I request your office to provide some statistics on home many Adjustment of Status applications are pending at USCIS.

    We understand that you work with in the limits of the law as set by the Congress and are limited by various constraints that are beyond your agency realm of work. We appreciate your hard work and sincerely thank you for all the hard work.

    God Bless America!

    Thank you for you attention,

    (Your Name OR EB-3 India Applicant )
    Priority Date: April 02
    Category: EB-3
    Member ImmigrationVoice.Org

    Copy Sent to

    Honorable Secretary of State
    Dr. Condoleezza Rice
    U.S. Department of State
    2201 C Street NW
    Washington, DC 20520

    Honorable Director, USCIS
    U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Service
    20 Massachusetts Avenue, NW
    Washington, D.C. 20529

    Citizenship and Immigration Services Ombudsman
    Department of Homeland Security
    Attention: Case Problems
    Mail Stop 1225
    Washington, D.C. 20528-1225

    Senator John Cornyn
    Chairman - United States Senate Judiciary subCommittee on
    Immigration, Border Security and Citizenship
    517 Hart Senate Office Bldg.
    Washington, DC 20510
    Main: 202-224-2934
    Fax: 202-228-2856

    Congresswoman Zoe Lofgren
    Chairwoman - United States House Judiciary Subcommittee on Immigration, Citizenship,
    Refugees, Border Security, and International Law
    102 Cannon HOB
    Washington, D.C. 20515
    Telephone (202) 225-3072

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  • rajuram
    12-16 09:33 PM
    Gandhigiri approach to retrogression in my opinion will be to do some good deeds that give Immigration Voice positive publicity, which in turn pushes the retrogression debate in the forefront in the national press.

    There are several positive things that IV could do:

    1. Start a small scholarship in a poor/immigrant dominated school/neighborhood.

    2. Help some hospital in a poor/immigrant dominated.

    3. Have a blood camp.

    4. Donate food.

    5. Send flowers to Senate & House.

    Guys, all we need is positive publicity. We do not need large sums of money to do this.

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  • gg_ny
    07-06 12:27 PM
    Have all those visas made available been used up so far by USCIS? I doubt it.

    It is NOT a mistake. Please read it again.

    All numbers available to these categories under the FY-2007 annual numerical limitation have been made available
    simple means that
    all visa number (for FY-2007) are used up. They were made available to USCIS by DoS.

    Not a legal advice.

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  • hopefullegalimmigrant
    12-27 09:14 AM
    Looks like in majority end july through August are pending the receipt of AP not to say some of the guys have still got it but they are from various service centers. Very inconstent. This is a document that has no accountability to be completed by X amount of time but we have all paid fees for it. Come vacation time and no AP, we will have to make the trip without the document. Its not that one decides to go to vacation every month. This is a losing deal for us. How do we address this delay? Infopass does not help I was told unless you decide to lie wholesale.


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  • ramus
    07-06 01:29 PM
    When you come with such statement please give source?

    it seems they are planning to honor the July VB and make chanes in Aug VB. So I guess they will accept the applications in July. :rolleyes:

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  • addsf345
    11-14 06:02 PM
    They highly receommended that people should maintain H1 status as much as possible until the GC process is fully complete.

    Regarding EAD they said
    . it is a blanket work authorization but you should watch for expiry date and maintain its continuity to keep working.
    . interestingly to Murthy's surprise, the EAD has been extended by USCIS even if a MTR is pending. This is unusual as there is no written word about it and preciously USCIS used to deny EAD extensions.
    . AOS is authorized stay even if your EAD expries. You are not out of status with EAD expiry but you must renew it ASAP.
    . They said "You are allowed to stay until 485 is adjudicated" (meaning while using EAD)

    found on this URL:


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  • nogc12
    07-19 12:42 AM
    Signed up mothly contribution from july.

    Atleast with the current visa bullettin change has eased the worry of a lot of people if not all. Also get the satisfaction that we are doing something to improve our situation.

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  • akp22
    05-27 07:59 PM
    $100 today


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  • smuggymba
    01-07 04:50 PM
    not related but when I was buying a new car, I was told that they can only finance until the visa is valid:mad:.........the other dealership didn't ask any questions.

    Just try somewhere else. good luck.

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  • msandhu
    07-30 03:50 PM
    Hi ,
    We applied I-485 in july and still waiting for receipt number. Also My wifes H4 visa expires on July 30 and her I-539 is pending. Can we use GC pending status to get driving license by showing the EAC receipt number ???



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  • sagis99
    08-08 11:56 AM
    I contacted my local HR dept, and asked for their support, but i'm not sure what will come out of it. if they agree, i'll file the form next week.

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  • nemadeni
    05-02 02:32 PM
    I don't see Visas Recapture bill going any where.

    It seems USCIS wants to potray that they are doing great job by doing various Process improvements. USCIS indirectly wants to say that eventually USCIS process will be improved to the extent that there will be no Visas wasted.

    I think this was the most straight forward and simple bill. Other bills like removing the country limit are more challenging.So I don't see anything happening from immigration point unless democrats take over both senate and House in late 2008.

    Hope for any legislative changes only in 2009 and beyond and not in 2008.


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  • snathan
    08-23 10:01 PM
    You are down to demeaning Bsc's and BCom's. Remember, to manage an enterprise is no joke, or else even you would have done it long back. All the noises that are coming from you are nothing but sour grapes. When nothing else is left, you turn to demeaning

    For the other guy who mentioned working on L1A: Your perspective is blinkered by offshoring model. You too, need to see the larger reality outside of your TCS

    Send your recommendations to USCIS/DOL and your certification about bsc and bcom. Also enlighten us with your larger perspective of how this multinational executive making 32K per annum adding more jobs/potential to the economy.

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  • makemygc
    07-06 05:39 PM
    I dont see anything about the law suit on OH site.

    Clear you cache by hitting CTRL + F5


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  • dilipcr
    06-11 08:11 PM
    I am happy for following things in life:

    1) I still have a job, or atleast pay.
    2) I have an EAD, those in PERM, 140, do not have that option.
    3) I am better placed than those seeking immigration as brothers and sisters of US citizens :-d or as married children of US citizens.

    I am not happy about:

    1) Don't have the plastic that says, I can stay on even if I don't have a job.
    2) Those from other countries getting "lottery" visa instead of hard work.

    Who said "hard work" pays off? It just takes LUCK in life for things to fall in place. From tomorrow, I am just going to buy lottery and do NO work.

    I dont think Luck is all that is needed in life. Getting a perspective on things around is the key. Understand this fact. Recession happens once every 6 years on average. Every recession seems like a depression during the times. Believe me, we felt that the tech meltdown of 2001 was the end of the world for all those high flying dreams. Today people say that the 2001 recession was a mil one. Yeah, tell that to the people on H1 visas wo lost their jobs and had to leave the country. The same scenario seems to be the case now. Just hang in there and dont go by these bogus media headlines that scream that one would have to wait atleast for 10 years for a GC. They were the same then too. Do what you do well with this perspective in mind and you should be ok.

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  • shreekhand
    07-18 05:54 PM
    I am not sure if the guy with PD 2001 will get the number first as against one with PD 2006 when everything is "C" in the example you presented.

    Past data, experience from my acquaintances, official NSC statements as well the SOP clearly indicates the contrary.

    priti8888, What is the USCIS 485 processing date in your senario?

    Your Receive Date is a factor but PD is also a big factor, if limited number available.

    If two person has submitted their application. One has PD 2001 and RD June 10 2007 and other had PD Jan 2006 with RD May 1 2006.

    USCIS 485 Processing Date: June 15th 2007 and Visa Bullitin has "C"

    Still PD with 2001 will get the the number first before PD 2006 case.

    485 RD < USCIS 485 Processing date and PD < Visa Bulletin date
    Order by PD desc

    hope this help


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  • laksmi
    02-27 02:38 PM
    Fax to Texas

    Providing an covering letter along with a copy of your supporting documents

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  • snathan
    08-23 10:49 AM
    Envy, jealousy, and crab mentality will be our nemesis. If you think it's easy to get into eb1 then why waste your time? At least this category gives some incentive to progress in life. Why rock this boat?

    No dear friend...what if you are already inside this country and waiting for 10 years. Even if you become a manager in these companies, you wont be eligible as you had to have at least one year outside the country. So progressing not going to help. How about a person who is less qualified, less experienced getting GC in six months when you wait for 5-10 years. Its not about jealous, its about fairness and justice. Dont bring in EB2-EB3 here. We are all in this sh*&t togather.

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  • nosightofgc
    09-10 03:45 PM
    Contributed $100 on 09/09/2007.

    01-29 07:33 PM
    Applied for AP - Aug.16 with NSC

    The funny thing is,that as with EAD card,in a day after I subscribed for e-mail update with USCIS they send me e-mail that my AP and family members have been mailed.

    LUD on AP Jan 23. AP on hand Jan.28.

    Hi NeoKlaus,

    Do you know what your Notice Date was?


    04-25 01:04 PM
    So what happens to people who already have a PD based on the labor(LC) date?

    I dont want to go a step back in the line just cuz someone who had been lethargic all his life just woke up on his last day of his 6th year and goes "Ohh you know what I think I might be interested in a GC" ,when I had planned or had the *intent* to apply for a GC a few years before by applying for LC.

    I agree. Also it will be a MONUMENTAL fiasco at the UCSIS and DOL. How do we forsee changing existing applicants' PDs. That will be atleast a 4-6 month backlog and i am being optimistic here.

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