Monday, June 27, 2011

fergie plastic surgery before and after

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  • nojoke
    09-05 09:11 PM
    I remember that in the early nineties it was next to impossible to get a home loan in India. I think the only company which gave out home loans was HDFC and the interest rate was a whopping 16%. Property prices at that time conformed to what people could actually afford as the house had to be either paid in full or you had to take out a loan from your provident fund.

    Fast forward to 2000 and beyond. After the Indian rupee became fully convertible and the banking regulations were relaxed every bank or finance company started to make loans. The upshot of that is that everyone could buy a house and car through taking out loans. This of course created this huge demand for new housing from the middle class which translated into a steep increase in land and property prices.

    This may not exactly be a total bubble as loans are there to stay. What is happening though is that home construction is going on at a rapid pace and at some point Indian cities and their suburbs may be overbuilt. At that point you would be stuck with your house and not be able to sell as is happening in the US. Of course some markets will correct but I donot think Bombay, Bangalore or Hyderabad will.

    I'm a a total layman regarding such issues and I am just trying to reason this through.

    There has been a correction already going on in Bombay and Bangalore. Bombay has lost 30%. It is in the news.

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  • chanduv23
    11-20 10:22 PM
    I am not 100% sure but if person has not completed 6 years, he can continue till he completes 6 years. If person has already crossed 6 years limit, H1 extension or transfer does not stand valid without any underlying pending AOS. This is what RG termed as opposite to conventional internet wisdom. Also, the law requires to provide a notice to cancel EAD, but not to cancel H1B. Correct me if I am wrong!

    I think you are wrong ( I just think)

    H1b and AOS are two differnt things and are not coupled. A yearly h1b extension beyond 6 years is given if you have a Labor pending for more than an year or pending 140 more than one year and a 3 year h1b extension is granted if you have an approved 140.

    So the basis of getting a h1b extension or transfer is 140 and not AOS. One may not have even applied for AOS but can get h1 extensions as long as the above conditions are satisfied.

    This is based on what I know. Thats why Attorneys prefer h1b compared to EAd because h1b essentially gives time for you to change jobs/apply for new GC petition in case existing petition has tons of issues etc...

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  • Green.Tech
    06-17 02:55 PM
    ..willing to contribute today?

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  • Munna Bhai
    07-06 12:11 PM
    The Visa Bulletin for July 2007 must be read in conjunction with the Update of July Visa Availability.

    I don't know why they changed it suddenly.

    This is too confusing, it looks like USCIS is going crazy.


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  • jkays94
    07-20 01:21 PM
    How many though contacted their Senators for this ammendment ? Chances are that Numbers USA probably put in more calls than the proponents of this measure. The least one can do is let your Senator know of your disappointment and let those who voted in favor of your appreciation otherwise if one is silent how is the Senator to know if it impacts their constituents.

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  • indio0617
    03-09 10:55 AM
    Sen Feinstein Amendment : 6303; provides an exception for refugees, aliens who apply for asylum (fleeing persecution, dictatorship) to waive passport fraud if they have comitted any.


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  • anilsal
    07-28 11:03 PM
    There are many folks who have their GC process going on since 2001, 2002 etc. This BEC thing was a bane for many people and many of them squeezed past it and got approvals (2004 EB3 etc).

    So nothing is fair in the immigration process. Suck the frustration and start involving yourself in IV activities. Start by becoming a contributing member (and updating your signature with it). If you do not have the courage to do it, then do not start new threads.

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  • Jennifer Grey Before And After

  • danu2007
    07-18 09:54 PM
    Joined in the month of July and contributed $100 and will sign up recurring one.


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  • surgery before and after,

  • coopheal
    10-01 11:52 AM
    Yes we all are frustrated, but one thing we can do is contribute to IV. Let IV core have some resources in hand to implement strategies they have thought of for advancement of our cause.

    Contributed $100 for this month
    Google Order #552474927075339

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  • swadeshi
    07-24 09:06 AM
    I wonder what will happen with our cases. My husband has a PD Oct 2003, EB2 ROW, but thanks to PBEC, it got approved in Jan 2007. Our RD is March 2007, TSC, concurrent. Got AP in April and EAD in May. No LUD on 485 after FP, 04/25/2007.

    One more question: How many wives are here? It looks like some guys would rather let this matter to the ladies to handle.:D

    well as they say...women are good at multitasking, hence they can juggle a job, kids, home & posts on IV too


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  • ArkBird
    02-23 02:37 PM
    LUD has little or no meaning. I have seen cases getting approval notice without ANY LUD. Don't stress out or hold your breath for it.

    I hope so..
    But checking my July 2007 I485 online status, it says it was last updated in Dec 2007..
    Shouldn't we all have got recent LUDs or RFEs if all of us were recently pre-adjugated

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  • knnmbd
    04-26 08:02 AM
    Dear Knnmbd,

    It seems to me you do not understand the difference between taxes and Social Security / Medicare.

    With my taxes I pay for (example) roads, police, courts, public TV and so on. And I use what I pay for (another nice example is when the police paid by me catches me with high speed and fines me :-)

    SS and Medicare are future services which I would not use while I am on H1/L1 or if I do not get permanent residence by some reason. This is my money which the US government has compulsory taken from me and I have not used it. So, I have the right to get this money back and use it for my eventual retirement in another country.

    We do not change the law of the land to benefit us, we just do not want to be cheated and treated like retarded.

    The real ridiculous stuff is the way the government agencies are treating the legal immigrants but nobody in the "great" country care to notice that, especially the law-makers.

    I PRECISLY UNDERSTAND THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN SS, MEDICARE VERSUS TAXES.I was just mocking at the ridiculousness of your demands. Hey, if you think that the government agencies are treating legal immigrants badly and we are being "cheated and treated like retards", may be all of us should move to a country where the laws are more flexible, aah� like India. How often have you been on a forum in your home country lobbying for injustices being rendered to citizens, none probably. Just because we are in a country where there is a small chance for a group of people like ourselves in the IV have the privilege to have our voices heard does not mean we ask for the sun. Do you think in a economy like this with high gas prices, the war, and not to mention the ailing social security system and everything else asking the government to stop taking SS tax and Medicare from non- immigrant workers is going to fly, I DON�T THINK SO. And not only that we will end up looking like a bunch of guys with outrageous demands.

    So all I am saying is the issue is not SS or Medicare or entry date being the PD, but it is MORE IMMIGRANT VISA NUMBERS. I think we have lost our focus after the bill was shot down in the senate. We have just ONE demand if I am not mistaken, and I think the core team will agree with me on this and that is to ease retrogression by having more visa numbers in the pool for countries like India and China and that should be our only demand.


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  • mpadapa
    08-13 05:05 PM
    Getting HR 5882 / S 3414 (recapture bills) through congress is the only hope for EB3's.

    Changing the spillover will not help EBI because in both the spillover interpretations EB3I is the last in the chain. The only reason EB3I benefited from earlier spillover interpretations was because there weren't any ripe EB2-I cases available and it spilled over to EB3I. Reverting to the old spillover interpretation will not benefit EBI but sure it will benefit EB3-ROW.

    Let us focus on getting the recapture bills through. Call u'r congressman/senator and start pushing for the recapture bill. EB3I has been benefited until now because of the AC21 recapture. Now it is time for another recapture.

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  • Jimi_Hendrix
    11-20 09:49 PM
    Got legal immigration?

    Joe Adams holds on to his coffee cup while he anxiously reads the immigration news headlines on Google. The democrats have just won control in Washington and like all immigrants; Joe is hopeful that some immigration reform will emerge.

    Joe, a native of United Kingdom first came to the United States in 1998. After graduating from Harvard Business School with an MBA he got his dream job in supply chain management. It was not long after that Joe’s company filed for his permanent residency. Life moved on and soon Joe and his wife Kathy had their first child. “The year was 2003” reminisces Joe, “I was really beginning to understand the U.S. immigration process. I was getting a handle on the numerous loops that lay ahead. It was soon apparent to me that immigration was no walk in the garden”.

    Of the 940,000 legal immigrants in 2004, only 16% were skilled employment-based immigrants. About 40% of these skilled immigrants had advanced degrees, or 5 or more years of experience after a baccalaureate degree. The impact of these workers’ contributions to American competitiveness belies their small number. They add to the process of scientific discovery, technology development, and innovation, which in turn leads to greater productivity growth. Current immigration policy is abetting brain drain and forcing many of these immigrants to leave for countries like Canada and United Kingdom where skilled immigrants are given priority over undocumented and family-based immigrants.

    Legal Immigration, Rewarding?
    “Most importantly legal immigration has to be rewarding for legal residents and create a shining example for all other immigrants”, remarks Joe Adams. In the United States, all immigration reform for highly skilled immigrants is bundled with reform for undocumented workers. This phenomenon is representative of the apathy of U.S. immigration policy towards highly skilled legal immigrants. Many of them have advanced degrees in science and technology. They have trained and honed their skills while working in U.S. companies.
    Currently permanent residency applications for skilled, employment based immigrants are backed 5-8 years. In the interim applicants are unable to change jobs, get promotions or make any major financial decisions. Highly skilled, legal immigrants need immigration reforms that will reduce massive process backlogs, improve processing by government agencies and better the quality of life while the application is pending.

    Legal Immigration Myths
    Extremist, anti-immigration advocacy groups have aggressively publicized myths about legal, skilled immigrants. Let us expound some of the common myths about employment based immigration.
    Myth: Increasing green cards will enable more new immigrants to enter the country
    Fact: Most immigrants who are caught in the employment-based immigration backlog have already spent 5-10 years in the United States. They have integrated socially and culturally. Companies have spent thousands of dollars on training these workers.

    Myth: Employment based immigrants do not pay taxes and are a social burden
    Fact: Employment based immigrants are required by law to file for federal and state tax returns each year. They pay social security taxes, medicare taxes, payroll taxes and all other applicable taxes. Employment based immigrants are not eligible to receive social security benefits unless their permanent residency applications are approved or unless they have worked in the U.S. for several years.
    Myth: Employment based immigrants take away local jobs
    Fact: Most progressive Americans realize that educated immigrant workers play a crucial role in stimulating the local economy. Highly skilled immigration fills the gaps in availability and makes the U.S. economy competitive and resilient. A recent study concludes that immigrants have fueled the US entrepreneurial economy, starting one in four venture-backed companies since 1990 and two in five in high technology. This is according to a study released by the National Venture Capital Association trade group to the U.S. Congress in November 2006.

    Myth: H1B quota increase will result in more green cards
    Fact: H1B has a separate quota from green card quotas. Even after an individual has approved security check, labor certification and employment eligibility; a visa number must be available for him to receive a green card. This quota is subject to annual numerical limits. Based on the current annual visa limit, applications are backlogged 6 years.

    Future of Legal Immigration
    It is presumed that legal immigration process works efficiently and in a clockwork fashion. However when you consider that legal applicants have to wait 5-8 years for a green card; this statement is false. In the current political environment pro and anti immigrant extremism exist side by side. A rational, middle of the road approach is largely missing. Such an approach would prioritize immigration based on the contribution of immigrants towards economic growth, the reduction of job outsourcing and most importantly rewarding those who chose to enter and continue to reside legally in USA.
    Americans largely supports legal immigration. This year, the Secure Knowledge, Innovation and Leadership Bill was introduced in Senate and in the House of Representatives. This bill provides the much needed immigration reforms for highly skilled immigrants. However the democrat leadership has not yet declared immigration on their agenda for the first 100 hours of work. Unless congress collectively passes immigration relief for skilled workers, political considerations for the 2008 presidential elections will put this issue on the back burner again.


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  • ilikekilo
    03-04 03:40 PM
    Cases are being pre-adjucated, So there are RFEs and other inquiries...After this, they will wait for visa number in PD Queue....which is a good thing...This assures there will be no wastage this year....

    Anycase, it looks like there will be significant forward movement...

    My estimate

    EB2I will enter 2005 in next 2 bulletins.
    EB3I into 2003 in next 2 bulletins.

    I admire ur optimism.. :)

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  • acecupid
    09-13 01:16 PM
    Hi All,

    My Eb2 Perm Labor Approved. It took 2 months to get approved. It was filed on 07/09/2010 and approved on (email received by HR dept) 09/10/2010. This is just to share with all of you.

    Thank you.

    Wow!! Congratulations.... That was very fast indeed. Good luck with the rest of the process.


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  • ind_game
    05-15 10:09 AM
    There was a campaign on wrongful denial in AC21 , there was also letter campaign not sure what happened after that ? It was IV action item too... What was the conclusion ? should we all suffer even if it is a training issue, if they act such nice on letters , then why they act as if there is no form and if AC21 is for real aliens from a real alien world.

    Trust me your frustration is understandable......


    1. Consultant companies are making money by threatening to withdraw I-140 if an employee leaves the company for a better job
    2. USCIS is already making enough money on these improper denials (I would like to call it white collar extortion)
    3. Attorneys are making money on these cases

    In the end we the immigrants are the losers.

    Please make more noise on these kinds of issues concerned with I-140 withdrawls and I-485 denials, as this is becoming more and more apparent. Write blogs, spread in forums, write news letters. Go to your local congressman's office and make them aware of the situation. My local congresswoman's office is under the impression that my case is unique, but I am trying to convince them that this is wide spread by sending them the links of Ombudsman etc.,

    We need to increase the awareness.

    We do not want to get to a point where we may not utilize AC21 properly.


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  • missourian
    06-01 05:04 PM
    My PD EB3 01/15/2005
    Applied I140 PP 05/18/2007
    Approved I140 05/23/2007

    Man I am screwed

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  • ameryki
    02-06 04:45 PM
    I-131 @t Nebraska Center

    Receipt Date: 14th Agug
    Notice Date: 24th Aug
    Received RFE
    USCIS received RFE on: 29th Nov

    Called them 3 times and everytime the same answer "pending and processing."

    Unfortunately my uncle passed away yesteray and I have to travel for the funeral processings. Called USCIS just now and told them to expedite the case. CSR took all the information and told that someone will contact me within 5 business days about case. Hoepfully someone calls/emails and approves my case.

    Just wanted to share my experience.

    sorry to hear your situation 007! hope things work out for you in time. You could also consider heading home and having someone mail it to you once its received. just an option not sure what your situation is as far how far from approval etc etc

    07-05 12:13 PM
    I had called my congressman & the senators from my state.
    They didnt know anything about this so I requested them to study Congresswoman Zoe Lofgren s statement along with telling them my story - expenses, time lost, travel cancelled etc.

    06-26 02:26 PM
    My labor is certified online today June 26,2007. Awaiting the hardcopy of labor certification.

    Center: Phily BEC
    PD: May 2004

    Wishing good luck to all of you waiting in BECs !

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